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How to view and manage your customer information and purchase history

Ollie avatar
Written by Ollie
Updated over 5 months ago

On the Customers page you will find a list of all your live and historic customers, as well as those customers who are following your business on Gymcatch. You can search for a customer by name, either full or partial, using the search bar, as well as sort and filter your customer list based on a number of factors. You can filter your customer list to show just Live customers, Unclaimed accounts, Followers, Registered accounts or any Archived customers. You can also sort your customer list by Customer name, Customer since or Admin created.

Within your Customers page you can access your customer records each of which include details of every booking and purchase made at your business along with any personal information added by an admin or through the collection of Participation Information. To access a customer’s record simply click on their name in the list.


If you are using the Participation Information bolt-on feature, you can mark customers as being exempt from one or more of the information collection stages using the relevant checkboxes on the customer Details page. You can also add and manage notes for admin reference (these are not visible to the customer) at the bottom of this page. Whether or not you choose to use this bolt-on feature, you can always add and update customer contact details on their record yourself apart from their first or last name which the customer would need to themselves in their own account.

Purchase history

On the Purchase history page you will be able to access information on all session and course bookings, package purchases and on-demand resources that the customer has purchased access to. You can see any live or cancelled bookings under the Bookings and Courses tabs and, similarly, the Packages and On demand tabs allow you to access details of all live and expired instances on the customer’s record. You’re also able to export all of this information via the Export to CSV button at the top of this page.

Add to sessions

From within the customer record you can also easily book your customer into one or more sessions on the Add to sessions tab. All you need to do is tick which sessions you’d like to add them to, review and then click Add bookings to confirm.

Adding/Creating Customers

As an admin, you can add or create new customers on the Customers page by clicking the Add Customer button. You will need to add their first and last names but including their email address here is optional. You can also invite the customer to claim this account for their own use by ticking Invite customer to claim account. If you select this option, the email address will then be a mandatory field.

After you click Create customer with this Invite customer to claim account box checked, an automated email will be sent to your customer asking them to confirm their email address and set a password to claim their account for their own future use.

Importing & Exporting Customers

If you are joining Gymcatch from another booking platform, or you just need to mass migrate from a manual system, you can quickly and easily import existing customer data in bulk using the Import button on the Customers page. Simply export your data from your previous software as a CSV file and upload it here.

Before you import the CSV file with your customer details, there are a couple of checks we recommend:

  1. Go through your customer records to remove any inactive or historic customers so that you are only importing live and current customer details into Gymcatch.

  2. Make sure your CSV file lists the customer's first name, last name and email address into separate columns. These are all individual data fields on Gymcatch so they must be in separate fields of the CSV for a successful import.

If there are any rows of data that are not compatible with the field formatting, such as the heading, this will be highlighted here for you to either amend or delete. Once completed, all customers from that CSV file will then be listed as customers of your business on Gymcatch so that you can add them to sessions, gift them packages or invite them to claim their accounts.

You can also export your customer list and waiver records from the Customers page by clicking the Export to CSV button.

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