Our Analytics feature enables you to run custom booking and purchase reports for your business.
The reports relate to specific actions your customers have taken over the date range, not to sessions, packages or courses that have happened over the selected dates.
Registered customers’ session booking details are run based on sessions that run/start over the selected date range and packages and courses data is run from the date of purchase.
How to run a report on Gymcatch
Select a date range of up to one month within the From date and To date calendars.
Choose what you’d like to run your report on; Session bookings, Packages or Courses.
Select which information you would like to include within your report under Customer information and Session information.
Then click Run report.
Each selected field will appear as a standalone column in the report and you can run reports for maximum periods of up to a month at a time.
How to run a revenue report
You can run any revenue reports within your Stripe dashboard with an easy export available.
Each transaction includes what they call metadata which we send from Gymcatch to Stripe to ensure you always know exactly what the purchase relates to and this is included in any reports you run from your Stripe dashboard.
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