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How courses work for your customers and how to set-up a course

Ollie avatar
Written by Ollie
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Courses allow your customers to book onto a pre-determined set of sessions with one purchase and allow you to set when or if drop-in bookings for the sessions within the course become bookable.

Our courses feature also works with our auto-refund bolt-on to enable easy session swaps between courses and you can add on-demand video content as well.

Whenever a customer buys a course, they are automatically booked into all the sessions within the course and, livestream settings dependent, also receive any video links for the sessions within their confirmation email and on the session details page.

With the Courses bolt-on already enabled, creating a course is easy. Simply head to the Courses page from the left hand side menu, then click Create a new course.

Creating a course

Basic details

Add a name, description and terms for your course and then if you’d like to take bookings for your course on Gymcatch click on Booking & listing or if you’d only like to advertise your course on Gymcatch and take bookings elsewhere click on Listing only.


Enter a price for your course and set which Payment options you will allow, making sure you select a corresponding tag if you’ve selected Memberships as a payment method. You can find more information on tags within our Package tags article.

Next you can select a Course colour, Course visibility, set if there are any Gender restrictions, set a Course difficulty level and set your Capacity limit as well.


The Course visibility section allows you to decide who can access your course. In most cases we’d expect it to be Public (Everyone), but if you wanted to give priority access to, for example, those customers who have booked a previous course, you could do that here by selecting Private (Just the customers that have been granted access) and then after creating the course you’d be asked to set these access rules.

Cancellation policy

You can then configure your cancellation policy. If you’re wanting to create an auto-refund policy, then you will need to enable the Auto-refund bolt-on within your Plan & bolt-ons page from the left hand side menu. Once enabled, you can follow the steps in our Auto-refund article to configure your own.

Using the auto-refund feature within your courses means that your customers will be able to use the one credit auto-refund bundle that you’ve created to book onto any course or standalone sessions within your Schedule that have been given the same tag.

You can set an image that’s presented within the course details page on the customer apps, by either choosing from the Gymcatch selection or you can upload your own if you wish to.

Once you’ve completed all fields, click Create course to finish.

Adding customers, sessions and / or on-demand resources to your course

Having created the course you can now see that it’s in draft form and if you click on your newly created course, you’ll be taken to the course Details page where you’ll see Quick actions buttons, a Course preferences section and a Course details overview table.

There’s also three tabs above these sections to choose from; the Customers tab where you can see information on who has purchased the course and even add new customers to it, the Sessions tab where you can add sessions to the course and the On-demand tab where you can add on-demand resources to the course.


Within the Customers tab you can see which customers are booked on your course and manually add any existing or new customers to the course by clicking Add attendee.


Once you’ve created your course, you’ll then need to add sessions to it. It is these sessions that determine the start and end dates for your course. You can easily add sessions by going to the Sessions tab and then clicking Add new session or via the Add session button under Quick actions on the Details page. You’ll see that this is similar to how you would normally create a session within your Schedule page. You can find information on how to create a session within our Schedule article.

The key difference when creating a session from your Schedule page and creating a course session is the Allow drop-ins feature.

This feature enables you to choose whether you are going to allow customers to just book into the session without having to buy the entire course. This is great for instances where you don’t expect to or haven’t sold all of the spaces in the course up front and want to make a bit of extra revenue through drop-ins or to just enable cancellation and swaps between courses by only enabling bundles as a payment option here and selecting the corresponding tag.

You can enter the drop-in price, Max places bookable in a single transaction figure, select your payment options and corresponding tag where applicable. You can find more information on tags within our Package tags article.

You can also choose how long drop-in bookings open before the start of the session and when they close with the option of hour(s) or day(s).

If you decide not to enable drop-in bookings right now, you can come back to this page to enable them at a later date.

If you’d like to make your course sessions available online you can do this by ticking the Make available online checkbox and following the steps within our Livestream / online sessions article.


If you’d like to add on-demand resources to your course, you can do this within the On-demand tab.

You have the option to Add existing resource or Add new resource. Follow the steps within our On-demand article to see how to create a new on-demand resource.

This is a great way to supplement live content or just create a purely on-demand course.

Visibility & access rules

If you want to only allow your course to be available to specific customers you can do this by making sure you select Private (Just the customers that have been granted access) under the Visibility settings when creating the course or you can go back in and edit these visibility settings.

Once you’ve selected a private visibility, you’ll see that an Access tab has now appeared within the course.

If you click on this Access tab you’ll have the opportunity to give access to specific customers or to set a dynamic or fixed access rule. You can find more information on how to set access rules within our Priority access article.

Place your course on sale

Once you’ve created your course, added your sessions and / or on-demand resources and set any access rules where applicable, you can then place your course on sale by heading to the course details page and selecting Booking & listing under Visibility and booking within the Course preferences section.

If you’d like to stop customers from purchasing the whole course but still accept drop-in bookings if enabled, perhaps once the course has started or simply want to advertise an upcoming course before making it purchasable, then you can select Listing only under Visibility and booking.

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