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How do I refund or credit back a customer?
Ollie avatar
Written by Ollie
Updated over a week ago

Cash refunds

Gymcatch does not process cash refunds. These are processed through your Stripe dashboard. To action a cash refund:

  • Log in to your Stripe dashboard at

  • Search for your customer by adding their email in the Search bar at the top of the page

  • Click on the related payment. If you need more information on each payment you can click on it, then scroll down to the Meta Data section to see more information.

  • Click the backward arrow + Refund text button in the top right corner and action the pop up.

Credit backs

The easiest way to action a credit back is via the gifting of a 1 class credit bundle.

1. In creating a 1 class credit bundle, the first thing to check is that the sessions you want it to be used with have a tag. You do this by:

  • Click on the Details button next to next session in a series from the Schedule page

  • Then click the Edit this session button

  • Ensure Bundles are selected as a Payment option

  • If needed, update the tag field in the form to have a tag e.g. Tag 1

  • Scroll to the bottom of the page and then click Update all sessions in this series on the right hand side

  • Repeat for all session series you have


2. Create a 1 class credit bundle. You do this by:

  • In Packages, create a 1 session credit bundle (more info on how to do this here)

  • Give the bundle the same tag(s) that you’ve given to your sessions you want it to be used with in the future

  • After creating the bundle, leave it in draft form

then you can either

3a. Gift the 1 class credit bundle to your customer. You do this by:

  • Click on Packages

  • Click on the package you just created from the Bundles filter

  • Click Gift this package

  • Select the customer(s) to whom you wish to gift it

  • Click Gift this package


3b. Gift the 1 class credit bundle as a Refund through the session's Attendees tab. You do this by:

  • Click Details on the relevant session

  • Click on Attendees

  • Click on the customer you wish to refund

  • Click on the booking in the Payment records table so that the row highlights with a green border

  • Use the arrows to navigate to the 1 class credit from the options under Refund options

  • With the 1 class credit bundle selected, click Gift customer this package

  • If the customer already has an active instance of this credit from another refund, or for crediting back a multi-class pass, the button will instead say Credit this package

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