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I can't log in, what do I do?
Ollie avatar
Written by Ollie
Updated over 8 months ago

If you can’t log in this will because you can’t enter a correct email, password or both. In the first instance try to reset your password. If you can reset your password you will know that you’ve got the correct email address and you will have a new password to log in with.

If you try and reset your password and don’t receive a password reset email this probably means that you haven’t entered the correct email address. Check for typos, accidental blank spaces at the front or back, or perhaps you used another email address.

If you still can’t log in contact your fitness provider who will be able to assist you with the email address they have on their records by looking in their Customers page. It might be that you registered with an email address with a typo in it.

Failing that please contact

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