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How do I add and onboard / migrate my customers?
Ollie avatar
Written by Ollie
Updated over a week ago

There are 3 ways to add or migrate your customers to Gymcatch:

1. Bulk import from a previous system

Export your customer data to a .CSV file. Log in to Gymcatch, go to the Customers page and click Import. Select your .CSV file and on the next screen select the columns containing the requested data from the dropdown boxes. The system will upload the file and flag any rows with incompatible data. You can either amend the flagged record data or delete the row from the upload. Once all of these records have been resolved you can click Create customers and all customers will be added to your customer records ready for gifting packages and/or adding to sessions.

2. Create customer accounts individually

On the Customers page click Add customer or from a session’s Attendees page click the Add attendee button and go to the Add new tab. Then simply input the customer’s first and last names, along with optionally entering their email address. If you do enter the customer’s email address then you also have the option of ticking the box to invite them to claim the account for their own use. After ticking this box and creating the customer account, they will receive an email with a link to claim the account by confirming their email address and setting a password. From then on they can login and complete their own purchases and bookings using the credentials. If the client does not claim the account the admin team will still be able to make bookings, debit packages etc. for this account.

You can invite customers to claim their account at any time if you choose not to do it at the point of creation from the Customers page.

3. Customers register with Gymcatch and follow your business

Great for newer business, you can simply share Your unique link which is accessed via the Marketing page within your Gymcatch business account. Customers can then register their own account and all you need to do is encourage them to follow your business so you can gift them a package to cover any outstanding credits.

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