How do I add and onboard / migrate my customers?
What url / link do I send my customers to book and pay?
Can I change my web booking page url / link?
Can I share links to specific sessions, packages or courses?
What is the follow feature? How can someone follow my business?
Can I link my Gymcatch page to third party websites, including my social media profiles?
How can I link from Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and other social media?
Where can I see my customers' purchases?
Can I message my customers?
Can I email my customers?
How many customers can I email at once?
Why don't email addresses show in my draft email when I click the Email attendees or Email customers buttons?
When I go to email all customers the email formatting is off. Why is this?
How do I stop being sent notifications / emails?
How do I manage or unsubscribe from emails?
Creating a QR Code
What is the difference between a follower and a live customer?
Can I ask for updated participation information from existing customers?