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Can I edit or freeze packages?
Ollie avatar
Written by Ollie
Updated over a week ago


Yes, you can edit packages from Packages > click on package from appropriate filter > Edit this package. Only tag and purchasable object (i.e. what it can be used with) changes apply to all new and existing bought instances of the package. Editing all other fields apply to new purchases only.

Purchased Instances

When you update the tag or purchasable object (i.e. what it can be used with) on the master package this is applied to all purchased instances by default. You can also, edit the other fields like expiry date and number of credits on a purchased package. You do this from Packages > click on package from appropriate filter > Package customers > click on customer name > Edit this package.
Whilst you can't freeze a package indefinitely, you can amend it's valid to date at any time, so you can always adjust expiry dates as needed.

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