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Can a package be used as payment for a course?
Simon Keay avatar
Written by Simon Keay
Updated over 10 months ago

Memberships can be configured to be used as payment for courses. To do this, there are a few things you need to do:

  • Ensure that Courses is ticked during the creation or edit of the membership.

  • When creating or editing the course, make sure Memberships are selected as a payment option

  • Make sure that both the membership and the course are set up with a matching package tag - eg. both have "Tag 1" selected.

With all of those in place, so long as the membership is valid at the time of booking the course it will be available to the customer as a payment option.

Passes and Bundles currently can not be used as payment for a course, but if the course is configured to allow drop-ins at the individual sessions then they can be used as payment for those.

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