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Can my customers swap sessions between courses?
Simon Keay avatar
Written by Simon Keay
Updated over 9 months ago

Using a combination of the auto-refund bolt-on and course drop-in bookings it's easy to allow customers to transfer individual sessions from one course to another.

Should you need to add the auto-refund bolt-on, you can do this as your first step from the Plan and Bolt-ons page on the left hand menu.
Then the next step is to set up the auto-refund on the course. This can either be done when creating the course or by editing the existing course (the refund policy is set at the course level rather than on the contained sessions). Ensure to select to refund Customers who bought a course to allow customers who have paid for a course by Stripe to receive a refund when they cancel a course session - the other 3 refund options in Step 1 refer to customers who book a session as a drop-in rather than booking the entire course. Complete the refund policy set-up as normal and create/update the course with your changes.

The next step is done when adding/editing sessions within a course. Within the form you need to check the Allow drop-ins checkbox, set a price (if you aren't going to be allowing actual drop-in bookings then we would advise still displaying your retail per-session price here to create a sense of value with your customers) and confirm how far in advance of the session start time you want to open drop-ins. If you only want to allow session transfers and not permit any pay as you go drop-in bookings then amend the valid payment options to only include bundles.

You will need to make sure that the refund bundle selected for your auto-refund policy and your drop-in sessions have a matching package tag. Should you wish for certain credits to only be usable with certain courses (e.g. across only your beginner courses), you can do this by using different tags for each of the refund bundle credits and courses. For example if you had both beginners and advanced courses, you could use a refund bundle with Tag 1 for the beginners courses and sessions and Tag 2 for the advanced, this way a customer booked on a beginners course would only be able to transfer to another beginners course and similar for your customers booked on an advanced course.

With the above set-up customers will be able to book their course/block and then cancel an individual session, being refunded a 1 credit bundle (if they cancel in line with your configured policy) that they can then use to book in to a session on another course.

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