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Can I use Auto-Refund on courses and course sessions?
Jenny Hutchins avatar
Written by Jenny Hutchins
Updated over 9 months ago

When creating your course, if you have the Auto Refund bolt-on feature, you can set an auto-refund policy. This policy is applied to all sessions created within the course. Note that a customer can not cancel a course booking so there is no refund policy available for the course itself, however you can add your own terms and conditions to the course and action any refunds or credit backs manually as desired should a customer request that you cancel their course booking for them.

During step 1 of the auto-refund wizard there is an additional option to refund Customers who bought a course that is not present when creating normal sessions. Selecting this option allows any customer who is booked on to the sessions within the course because they booked the course itself to get an automated credit back if they cancel in line with the time frame configured in step 2.

The remaining options (Customers who paid with a bundle or pass, customers who paid with a membership and Customers who paid with Stripe) only refer to customers who book a session within the course as a drop-in and thus make their session payment via one of these methods.

If you wanted to setup a scenario whereby customer who booked the course do not get a refund credit but drop-in customers do (for example if you are offering a discount for the block booking), then you would leave Customers who bought a course unchecked but check any/all of the remaining payment options to configure this. Conversely, if you only wanted to offer credit-backs to the customers who committed to the course and not drop-in bookings (or you are not offering drop-in bookings) then you would only check the Customers who bought a course option and leave the others unchecked.

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