How do I change my payment card / bank details?
What payment providers can I use? Is Gymcatch SCA compliant?
Can I connect an existing Stripe account?
Do I need to be a registered company to use Stripe?
How quickly do I get paid by Stripe?
Can I configure receipts for my business?
The wrong business name appears on my Stripe business receipts. e.g. 'Facebook', 'Instagram' or 'LinkedIn'. How do I change this?
How do I get help with my Stripe account?
There is a "SOMETHING WENT WRONG. The provided key... Application access may have been revoked." error message at payment. How do I resolve this?
Can I take manual / direct card payments from a customer?
Can I use Gymcatch without taking payments online?
Can customers pay direct to my bank account?
Can I invoice my customers?
Can I use PayPal, Square or SumUp with Gymcatch?
My card details have changed. How do I update them?
Why are my customers seeing £0 on their authorisation screen?
Can my customers pay cash?
How do I update my payout bank account?
Why has my customer's payment failed / not been accepted?